The Corporate Governance Report
This report is based on the UK Corporate Governance Code which is administered by the Financial Reporting Council (FRC). It focuses on four main areas: compliance with the UK Corporate Governance Code, Board Composition & Balance, Remuneration Packages & Procedures and Accountability & Audit.
Board Composition
This table shows you the members of the Board, their appointment date where available, committee membership and whether they meet the independence criteria set out in the UK Corporate Governance Code.
Where a breach is identified, we note the company’s explanation but leave the final judgment to shareholders. An example would be where a director has been on the board for more than the 9 years recommended by the Code.
Supplementary Questions
This section shows the numbers of Executives, independent and non-independent Non-Executive Directors on the board. It also details the date when the audit was last tendered and when the last audit firm rotation occurred, as well as the salary of the highest paid director.
Audit Fees
There is a separate table outlining the audit fees and non-audit fees for the current and previous years.